Simple Strategies of Breakpoints For an Effective Responsive Web Design

A responsive web design is just like water, which when kept in any kind of space, adjusts itself to the surroundings, irrespective of its shape and size. One of the major elements that help it to adjust in any device is a breakpoint. A breakpoint can make or break your website. It acts as a guide to a visitor and helps him to find his destination. Well, if we say it in a technical way, it helps him to find the desired information on a web page.

As a designer, it often becomes a confusion to determine the design of a breakpoint so that the layout of a particular web page easily adjusts itself to the device wherever it is opened irrespective of a Smartphone, Tablet or a Desktop. For a website, that offers responsive web design service, a breakpoint is an important factor that is considered while designing a website. Choosing a breakpoint that will result in an effective responsive web design can be achieved by following some simple strategies.
  1. Increase The Size Of Breakpoints Gradually
Start designing the content of a website in the smallest platform first. Opt for a smaller screen size that is a mobile phone first and then gradually adjust the screen size unless a breakpoint becomes mandatory to use. Doing this, will help you to make use of fewer break points. For instance: if there is a weather forecaster, then make sure that you make it look good even on a small screen. The next step is to resize the browser so that there are adequate spaces between forecasts.
  1. Minor Breakpoints At Right Places
If you are thinking that making major breakpoints on the layout is enough, then think again. What about adjusting the paddings and margins between major breakpoints or increasing the font size in order to make the content appear natural on the layout? Well, here comes the importance of minor breakpoints. For large screens, the best way is to set the maximum width and the same time take care that it is spread over the entire screen
  1. Choose Text Intelligently
It is not about providing quality content on a web page; it is all about optimizing the text on a web page for a more enhanced user experience. Always use 70 to 80 characters in every line, that is 8 to 10 words for a better reading experience. Therefore, every time the text block expands to more than 10 words, one breakpoint is applied. In some blogs, using the Roboto font at 1em gives the perfect results for 10 words in every line. On the other hand, a large screen will need a breakpoint.
  1. Hiding Content Completely Is An Absolute No-No
Eliminating content just for the sake of adjusting the screen size can prove to be fatal as you might hide necessary information from the website. Readers will get half information. Always remember, optimizing the screen size is not the solution to make your website responsive, rather putting all the necessary information within the specified limits of a screen is the key to a great responsive web design.

These strategies are simple and at the same time are quite crucial to design a web page from the responsive point of view. Breakpoints and content of a web page work hand-in-hand, hence both of them should be in complete correlation with each other.   


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