
Showing posts from November, 2014

RSS Feeds and Sitemap Integration – Does it Matter?

Today we are going to discuss about the two most popular internet marketing tools that have become must to help you increase website visibility. As a digital agency we are going to throw a detailed analysis on both the tools and would share how our SMEs provide help against these aspects. RSS Feeds RSS Feed optimization we know it is sounding fancy, but it is a simple task and we observe in every blog that runs on the web. RSS as we commonly call it also known as Really Simple Syndication. It is popularly a format used to syndicate contents around the web in a standard way. You will come across a number of RSS Readers that anyone can use to follow the multiple RSS feeds simply entering the website URL or specific RSS Feed URL in the Reader. If you website have a blog or a News Feed, you want to make sure that both the search engines can index them in a proper manner and that people can find to subscribe easily to those websites. Unified Infotech offers an easy to

Know How Your Users Think Before Redesigning Website

This is no doubt and important to assess about how does a user think about a website before you sprang upon and go for a redesign. A customer on the wave behaves typically different when he or she goes to a brick and mortar store. Visitors on the web take a glance of each, scan some text and click on the link that catches their attention in the beginning. Most of the users come to a website to find something useful and clickable and after finding some promising candidates, user click. If they page does not makes an impression on the users, he or she simple takes a leave and continues their search process somewhere else. Look ahead and find how users think before you opt for website redesigning services : Users always appreciate quality and credibility. If your page comes with high-quality content, they are willing to compromise the content with ads and the site design. This is a valid reason for the website with high quality content to gain more visibility and