Why Should Your Business Use Node.JS for Custom Application Development?

At UIPL, we have been working on the most in-vogue technology to build scalable and sustainable apps. The developers who work at our lab shows great interest on this explicitly growing technology that comes up with more mavericks and cards by it s side to win the hearts of the clients for whom we design the products and the services.

It was past two years ago that Node.JS has shown deliberate prominence and by now most of the people knows that Node.js is a software platform built on Google’s V8 JavaScript engine. It always prefers to use event-driven, non-blocking I/O model and a single-threaded event loop that allows the developers to have high application scalability and high throughput.

Well, in the recent days we have been clubbing it with MongoDB and Express.js, which also utilize JavaScript.
  • (MongoDB is a document-based NoSQL database)
  • (Express.js helps manage the middleware of a Node application)

Now the question comes why I am asking people to take up Node.JS Development as a promising technology to develop their custom application for business.

Well you can find a number of benefits, some of them include:
  • Easy to install and run locally
  • Inexpensive to test and deploy
  • Reduce the page load time by 50%
  • Reduce the number of servers to serve your customers
  • Highly scalable due to asynchronous
  • Event-driven processing
  • Unified programming language and data type (JavaScript and JSON)
We have witnessed many other benefits, which you can consider, but if you use Node.JS, you are going to reduce the time to your convenience and provide an efficient and scalable solution.

Node is Different from other Frameworks – How

Let me help my readers evaluate the difference between Node and other server-side technologies. The major difference between the two lies in their use of a single thread and asynchronous architecture. If you look at the other server-side technologies, you will found that, they are multi-threaded and synchronous, and one can block the threads while waiting for replies from the database. The asynchronous design of Node.JS allows it to handle a large number of concurrent connections and gives a high throughput on a single-thread, which makes it highly scalable.

We consider Node.JS as the replacement for the stacks of other technology; however, it possible for Node to provide scalability and increased performance to applications that aptly fits the purpose. You can find some application types, where business can benefit using Node are REST APIs, Chat applications and Real-Time Tracking applications.

The homepage of the Node.JS describes the application as “lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.” The application about which I wrote above helps to take advantage of the advantage of the Node features explicitly and thus double the business growth.

As a final take, I would prefer to tell my readers that Node’s asynchronous architecture and utilization of the JavaScript language make it extremely attractive to web developers. However, it is a newbie technology and it is not an industry-blanketing replacement as a server-side technology, but it will help business across the world to fulfill their particular needs.


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