Looking At the Features of CakePHP Version 3

In the month of June CakePHP team launched, Alpha CakePHP 3.0 and they think that this version would be a game-changer. With time, there have been many options when it comes to PHP development and provides developers with a wide array of choices. 

Until 2005 there were no PHP frameworks and developing object oriented coding approach in PHP was a challenge. After that, there was the launch of CakePHP, first ever PHP MVC framework, which came to being and continued to evolve and maintained a healthy market share for the PHP developers.
In GitHub, we saw it tagged as the top 4 most popular PHP projects among 130,000 projects. Therefore, with release of version 3 hot out of the oven, CakePHP expects to remain in the lead and a major contender in the land of PHP frameworks as ecommerce website design finds it most useful and navigable as a framework.

What is New in CakePHP Version 3?
Let us find out what web development teams must look into this latest version, what features are the most exciting and how it can help them.

  • Performance Excels Than Its Earlier Versions – Version 3 would help developers improve bootstrap process, generate helper templates and routing process.
  • Session Management Would Get a Boost – Session management is a static class in CakePHP and has number of problems. With Version 3 now the developers can access the session from request object $this->request->session(). This in turn enables session easier to test and use PHPUnit 4.x.
  • Consistency in Conventions – In this new version application skeletons and plugin skeletons gets an upgrade to use same directory structure in order to stay more consistent.
  • Merge of Themes and Plugins – CakePHP 3 serves as the most essential goal to make themes powerful and robust. As the importance of having themes and plugins to power up in the similar way increases, this will help to simplify packaging and redistribution.
  • Components and Helpers Enhanced – New version of CakePHP provides support to “flash messages” with their all-new FlashComponent and FlashHelper. Besides, they have also enhanced CookieComponent, making it easy to separate cookie namespaces and handle cookie data.
  • Development in ORM – Several changes in the API come to this new version and in their ORM (Object Relational Mapping). Now it is easy to specify deep associations for saving operations. Moreover, a couple of conventions came to reduce learning curve and confusion among new adopters.
Additional Features To Incorporate In the Beta Release Version
  • Replacement of CacheHelper based on Edge Side Includes
  • For simpler and faster route declaration it can have a new routing API
  • Enhancement in internationalization and localization (i18n and L10n)
Therefore, it’s time to take a sip of the hot new version of CakePHP 3 and make projects fun-filled and interesting.


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