Yoast Takes On Google Panda 4.0, Blocking Your CSS & JS

Yoast has been fixing websites hit with Panda 4.0 update. These websites lost around 50% of the search traffic in this latest update. They have regained, and surprising fact is that they restored their previous position in the search results. Sounds too good to be true, but Yoast did it. We found a post at Yoast bragging their intellect in driving away Google update evils from the websites. 
 It was an old industry friend Peter, who came by the Yoast office to help them out with their Panda stricken website iPhoned.nl. However, iPhoned.nl has been investing time in producing quality contents, and their site looks remarkable, so it surprised Yoast when they heard Google’s update claws has hit them.
What Was The Issue?
Well, Yoast analyzed that in Google Webmaster Tools, a new feature fetch and render introduced a week after they rolled out Google Panda. As for the case of iPhoned, they make money from ads and use a fair amount of scripts and pixels to load. Yoast comments that if Google was unable to render the CSS and, it cannot make out where are the ads on your page. Same with iPhoned, here too they were not able to render the CSS and JS because it accidentally blocked by robot.txt after a server migration.
Google runs page layout algorithms to make out how many ads you have, and checks how many ads you have above the fold, and that is a serious aspect, since it can hurt your rankings.
Previous others touted the CSS of iPhoned as an easy way to get away from issues rather than resolving the main issue. Yoast thus took an immediate step to connect fetch & render tool with Google Panda update. Yoast thanked their robots.txt editor, which they have built into their WordPress SEO plugin to resolve the issue.
How Yoast helped their industry friend, how they resolved the issue? To know the full story click here
Search engine optimization needs to refine and resolute their move frequently to stay in length with the Google updates and algorithmic changes. Look for Professional SEO Company to make your website free of bugs, errors and retain its SERP.
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