8 Learning Resources to Speed up Node.js Usage

JavaScript developers have been looking for a server-side solution that would help them to leverage their favorite backing language on the backend. Over the years, people came up with a number of options and made developers acquaint with - Aptana Jaxer, APE and Narwahl. However, those never generated traction to make them widely adopted across all platforms.
Finally, in 2009 the wait ended after Ryan Dahl announced Node.js to the world at JSConf.eu, cementing Node.js as the go-to JavaScript server. Now it is the most important piece of software that companies like eBay are using it to build out some of their most complex systems.
Node.js has become a solid end-to-end solution for JavaScript developers that let them take advantage of JavaScript to build full-stack web apps. To keep JavaScript developers updated with the latest website and mobiledevelopment in Node.js and to solve queries on various structures and functions we have coupled a few learning resources.
Official Website of Node.js not only offers installers to get Node.js running on the system, but also provides a wealth of information to ensure you understand how to use it.
When you think about Node.js seriously, then you have to get familiar with the packaging modules. npm is the official package manager for Node.js. This helps to make code management easier besides bringing functionality to your app.
Online classes with interactive community driven course that helps up to speed your Node.js application. Install the course locally to develop a quick understanding of the server that too free.
The site provides tutorials to hang out with Node.js especially to those who have just started as well as the hardcore coders.
This allows you to receive newsletter listing on a roundup of the top articles and tutorials as well as newly announced frameworks and tools.
Aggregates content from all the top Node.js blogs, making it very easy for you to add them to your RSS feed.
This monthly Node.js podcast dives deeper inside the Node.js world bringing up powerful topics from the top developers such as Daniel Shaw and Mikeal Rogers.
Has lot of great courses for the developers and Node.js is no exception. They have courses from getting started with Node.js to building web apps with the Express framework.


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