Tips To Create the Perfect Mobile App Icon

Well, are you interested in creating mobile apps for your business with the intent to boost sales and find a complete new way to connect your customer? Huh! That is not a big deal at all, but, but it is not so fast. The tiny icon of your business app must be able to lure the customers in a large number. They must become recognizable and must jump on the bandwagon to represent your company and brand.

Here are few ways we use to create the app icons in our Mobile App Development work lab @ UIPL
You simply have a small window of opportunity to attract new users. It is tempting enough, but not the best way to include all the artwork. Instead, you must try to keep the design clean and streamlined. The apps turn worst when people squint to see the images used. If you choose multiple graphics for your app icon, make sure the focus is on a single element.
The best mobile apps are easily recognizable and lure the attention of the users with a unique symbol. Yes, that is true. In order to accomplish this, you must consider a unique shape and symbol to represent your company and brand. Another option is to use the first letter of your company. Here you need to take care of the font in use and best if you keep it simple, but noticeable.
Color is the most important decision factor when you design a mobile app icon. The color similarly like the shape and symbol need to represent your brand. You should choose a color using the psychology. For example,
  • RED – triggers feeling of thirst and hunger and represents love, passion, action, and adventure
  • GREEN- stands for nature and renewal
  • BLUE – represents stability, trust, authority, and success
Use of bright and vibrant colors perks up your app icon present in the galore of other apps. The use of color will ultimately speak to your brand image and logo.
In any goo iPhone or Android app development company, you will come across this feature, where they stress on the testing of several versions of your app icon before submitting to Apple. As soon as you create the apps, take advantage of different tools such as UsabilityHub’s Five Second Test or Pickfu to gauge audience reaction and simply edit the design to introduce seamless changes in the design.

When you choose a reputed iOS appdevelopment or Android app development company, you are in the good hands with the every aspect of the development process since the inception to completion. To know more about how we develop mobile apps, simply drop us a mail at:


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