Website Redesign: 3 Reasons Customers Choose the Option of Revamping

Redesign does not mean that you are going to change the whole website or the concept behind your business website. In fact, redesign is something different, it entails functional modifications that help your website to grow and assist you in a better way to reach out to the marketing goals. 

As the years rolls out and we look on the graph of the process we seek to solve every year, we find that the website redesign services within our work floor is having a huge growth. Many of the customers want to give a new look to their website to make it optimized and restore the online presence.
Here are a few excellent reasons, which shows that you need website redesign-
Not Getting the Result That They Desire
The most common problem that website faces is non-conversion of website traffic, due to lack of performing features, you might not generate result. A website is the bridge between business and the customer, hence the data should trend towards the goal.
If you are not happy with the result then you must blow the whistle for change. As you examine the conversion rate of your site visitor-to-lead and lead-to-customer, you will surely get a clear idea on what needs to be fixed and what not.
Here are a few questions business website owners must ask themselves to determine why they are choosing a website redesign services?
  • Does the call-to-action convert visitors into leads and customers?
  • Do the landing pages inspire people to learn more by digging deeper
  • Are they focusing only on aesthetics and conveys little value?
  • Is the site text-heavy or having confused corporate speak?
  • Does the look and feel of the site match the company's voice?
  • Is it targeting the niche audience?
Idea behind Your Website Is Going to Differ
If you run a company whose marketing strategy is not so fluid and reflect the changes in result often, then you have to redesign the full site every time you look for a new goal. It is good idea to stay sure that the site stays aligned with the new marketing plans.
Question we pose out client seeking redesign solution at UIPL are –
  • How often do you alter your marketing strategy?
  • Does the changed marketing strategy affect your conversion funnel?
If your site’s purpose has changed, then we need to build a layout that stays in line with the goals. If you have new goals, then we ensure that all your pages contain elaborate CTAs.
Not Having a Responsive Site
Well, the biggest reasons for which most of our client request a quote, to build a responsive website design out of their old website. More than 17% of web traffic comes from mobile devices and for that business wants to turn their site to never miss a click. However, mobile users have made it clear that they prefer great UX on their devices. Therefore, static websites with no definite visual tweaks needs to have a revamp.


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